Katsushika Hokusai

This artist catalog based on Katsushika Hokusai. An artist that did Japanese-style woodblock prints as well as the father of Manga.

Hokusai images seemed very elegant while still maintaining a level of minimalism. The spread layouts were to bring out this minimal yet dynamic movement some of his pieces had. Keeping in mind that the work overall was the viewing point and the type would reflect that.


The front cover reflects this minimalism style. As you can see his seal was taken from his work where he would stamp every image. That continues throughout all the spreads as a repeating element.

One of the main spreads featuring his artwork in a more dynamic way breaking up the pages. I has a pull quote from Hokusai and throughout the book itself a line is used to rule the text and to keep that grid. The image captions are to mimic Japanese writing styles of top to bottom.

Later on in the catalogue it switches from his woodblock and painting to his manga and sketches. The text again being guided by this line and again the image caption here as well. Each new paragraph is indented and show with a new
line break.


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